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Ed Finlan Group

Ed Finlan Group

Friday, August 26, 2011

Become Debt Free including your Mortgage

My business partnerr, go to mortgage guy and good friend, Dan Keller, of the Keller Group Mortgage-Hometown Mortgage, wrote a great piece about paying off your mortgage early and becoming debt free using a new program we are developing. Do yourself a favor and check it out. There is nothing magical or fancy. No catch, don't do anything different really financially other than doing it smarter. Well worth the time and effort to read, it could change your life!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Handling the Stress of an Unaffordable Mortgage Payment

Handling the Stress of an Unaffordable Mortgage Payment
Whenever I research the latest foreclosure and distressed property statistics, the sheer number of Americans facing the stress of losing their homes amazes me.  It is my goal to help as many homeowners I can either stay in their homes or relieve the burden of their mortgages. Knowing that there are so many that need my help is a driving force for me to continue doing what I do.
In fact, I just released another report that I’ve made available on my website today. It explains the CDPE designation and lists 10 options that homeowners can take advantage of to relieve the stress that comes with owing their mortgage lenders more money than they can afford to pay.
The report also draws a contrast between short sales and foreclosures. Unfortunately, there’s a growing trend of “strategic defaulters” who think it’s smart to let their home go into foreclosure. As any one who follows this blog knows, there is nothing strategic about foreclosure; it’s one of the most long-lasting, negative financial challenges you can go through.
I’m excited about acting as a resource for more homeowners who have questions about what they should do. As always, if you know homeowners who may need my help, have them contact me immediately! Together, we can put them back on the path to financial stability.

Check it out at

Friday, August 12, 2011